Fiduciary Financial Advisor
Are you looking for a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), fee based Advisor for your company's 401(k) retirement plan?
Due to the Department of Labor's proposed fiduciary rules regarding Advisor fees on 401(k) plans, many commission based Advisors are exiting the arena. Many 401(k) plan sponsors are looking for a Financial Advisor that will ensure that their plan meets their fiduciary responsibility.
Capital Management Associate's fee model has always provided the high fiduciary standards the DOL is now preparing to implement. We have always put our client's best interest first. Our advisory fees are independent of investment option choices.
Advisors have a very important role; there must be ongoing and diligent communications between the plan sponsor and advisors.
- Establish an Investment Committee
- Follow the Investment Policy Statement
- On-going Investment monitoring
- Investment recommendations
- Fund Share analysis - Retail shares versus Institutional shares
- Keeping an eye on all plan fees
The key is to find the right Financial Advisor!
With Tom Luing or Alex Pengelly as the fiduciary adviser at the helm, they will advocate for the best possible outcomes for the company and the employees.
Check out the Qualified Retirement Plan Solutions page.
*Check the background of this Investment Professional and the Firm on FINRA's BrockerCheck.